the little extra thing to find Rosalie…

And if the little thing in addition to the Carlos Festival was the smiling and motivated residents of the Foyer d’Accueil Médicalisé and the Foyer De Vie de Recoules-Prévinquières, fantastic team cohesion with determined and involved staff, a confident and supportive management, and an association, ADPEP 12, which bases its values ​​on solidarity and inclusion…?

What if the little thing in addition to the Carlos Festival was a town hall in Sévérac d’Aveyron and dynamic and efficient employees?

And if the little extra thing, it was great musicians who provided: Solveig Renard, the Scorpions percussions, the Jongleurs d’Accordéon, the Georges du Tarn and the Témoins de Jah’voine, Simon Lecuyer, the students of the Recoules school, the IME La Roquette de Séverac, the FAM and the FDV and their accompanists who sing and enchant…?

What if a little something extra was the transgenerational audience, warm and generous…?

What if the little extra something was the gourmet Aveyron menu prepared by the cooking workshop, i.e. more than 400 meals reserved several days in advance…?

What if the little thing on top of that was all this joyful, driving and benevolent energy…?

So you get a memorable “Carlos Festival” which will very soon be able to offer an electric Rosalie (10,260 euros) to its residents!


However, we will not only remember this aspect of things. “Come or you won’t be there!” ”, that was the watchword! And residents, staff, musicians, the public, other establishments, etc. everyone was there. We all experienced an extraordinary moment of encounter and openness.

Social policies have rightly highlighted the concept of inclusion for years. Individual support and measures are multiplying and obviously demonstrate their legitimacy and effectiveness so that people with disabilities can find their place in our society. However, some people are not able to benefit from these developments and establishments like ours, FDV and FAM, must think about inclusion, not only with an individual entry, but also with a collective dimension.

And thanks to the involvement, to the mobilization of all the services, of all the staff, we experienced a great moment of integration! The image of establishments, but also of disability in general, has been enhanced. The “Carlos Festival” made it possible to “open a door” that we will now be able to leave open.

If you were unable to be present this Friday, May 24 under the nicely decorated marquees of “Re cool” you can still participate in the “Leetchi” campaign by Guillaume Rouquette, our ultra-distance cyclist who is preparing to complete the 20 on June 30, 2500 km during the Race Accros France. The entire prize pool will be donated to the purchase of this Rosalie.

The Carlos Festival, residents, staff, management and the PEP12 association would like to thank all the participants of this first edition!



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