a wind project rejected by the Council of State

a wind project rejected by the Council of State
a wind project rejected by the Council of State

The Council of State rejected, Thursday, May 30, the appeal of the Parc éolien de la Vallée du Haut Bac company, which had attempted one final time to validate its project to build three wind turbines 150 meters high at the end of the blade. and a delivery station, on the territory of the municipality of Rom.

Validating the refusal of a building permit from the prefect of Deux-Sèvres, the Bordeaux administrative court of appeal rejected a first challenge from the company in September last year.

Bird mortality

Taking up the conclusions issued by its public rapporteur during the hearing on May 2, the Council of State confirms today that “the risks of collisions, particularly for species likely to hunt in cereal crops, such as the hen harrier, are not negligible while the project does not provide sufficient measures to limit this risk.”

Natura 2000

To justify his refusal to grant a building permit, the State representative noted that two wind turbines were located in the Natura 2000 site “Plaine de La Mothe-Saint-Héray – Lezay” (special protection zone under the the Birds Directive), and that “the third was located less than 200 meters from the same site”. The Rom wind project is therefore definitively buried.




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