Saint-Denis: A soap box race, unprecedented in , was organized for (and by) the kids this Thursday the 24th!

Saint-Denis: A soap box race, unprecedented in , was organized for (and by) the kids this Thursday the 24th!
Saint-Denis: A soap box race, unprecedented in Reunion, was organized for (and by) the kids this Thursday the 24th!

During the October holidays, the SPL OPÉ centers vibrated with the theme “Rally of Cultures”. At the heart of this initiative was a soapbox race, where each contraption was designed and made by the children themselves during their holiday. It was therefore in a festive atmosphere, and a spirit of good-natured competition, that this special day of Thursday October 24 took place, at the Saint-Denis velodrome. Vroom on this unique race.

A crazy soapbox race.

In two weeks, the children of the ACM (collective reception of minors) of the SPL OPÉ transformed themselves into small builders and mechanics, using their imagination and their manual skills to design 22 original cars. Each host structure had the opportunity to represent a country through the manufacture of its vehicle, from recycled materials. This unique experience allowed children to learn about the culture of the country represented, creativity and collaboration, while discovering the importance of sustainability and ingenuity in making their own soap boxes.

More than 1000 kids, from Saint-Denis and Saint-Benoît, cheered and enthusiastically encouraged their little comrades on the tracks of the Saint-Denis velodrome, this Thursday, October 24, 2024. During this day of racing, cash registers Colorful soaps, featuring innovative and daring designs, have put the turbo into action for the pleasure of young spectators. This moment of great gathering was also an opportunity, for the partners present and the SPL OPÉ teams, to congratulate and celebrate with great pomp the prowess of the children, but also to mark the end of the holidays in a crazy atmosphere.

“We wanted to offer children the opportunity to create something concrete with their own hands, while having fun and sharing memorable moments with their friends. The holiday project aimed to encourage the active participation of children, combining adventure, creativity and cultural exploration. This soap box race is an educational and collective project which allowed them to surpass themselves and gain self-confidence. We saw it in the eyes of the children, this event aroused enthusiasm and reinforced the commitment of the SPL OPÉ in its educational and fun role. This soap box race, unique in Island, will remain one of the unforgettable memories of the October holidays. »says Jean-Max BOYER, President and CEO of SPL OPÉ.

Investing in youth to raise the ambition for a promising future

Since 2020, SPL OPÉ has ​​designed, on behalf of local authorities, leisure centers contributing to the educational success of young people from Reunion. Before and after school, on Wednesdays or during the holidays, nearly 4,000 children benefit from activities allowing them to gain self-confidence and open up to the world. With an inclusion policy, the SPL OPÉ welcomes 40 children with disabilities.

A company on a human scale, the 300 employees of SPL OPÉ participate daily in helping children grow well. They work with kindness to liven up moments of life, outside of school, from nursery to elementary school. The educational program put in place by the SPL OPÉ consists of providing unique experiences, while respecting the children's rhythm: awakening, learning, wonder and, above all, moments of laughter.



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