A water ski lift project on the Lot creates a stir

In the Lot valley, between Luzech and Albas, where the river ski lift tourist project is due to take shape, on October 10, 2024. REMY GABALDA/MAXPPP

In search of a gap, Laurent (who prefers to keep his name quiet) climbs the narrow and stony path on the side of the Cévenne de Caïx (Lot), a limestone cliff 197 meters high. He stops between two trees, where the horizon clears. Below, in the meander of the Lot, nestles a leisure center installed in Caïx since 1986. Deserted by its users at the beginning of autumn, it is the subject of rehabilitation due to its dilapidation, but also of a project to create a water ski lift on the widest and deepest part of the river. “I don’t understand this idea”confides this resident of the hamlet of Luzech.

This infrastructure, the first in on a river, would consist of two courses: a round trip for beginners and a 470 meter loop. The technical solution envisaged is to erect eight pylons of 2 tonnes each, 12 meters high, embedded in concrete bases fixed on either side of the two banks.

“I fled concrete by leaving the region. But he catches up with me. It’s terrible and it doesn’t suit mecontests Laurent, owner of gîtes and member of L’Appel de la forêt, a departmental collective which brings together more than a hundred environmentalist sympathizers. This goes against the tourism that people come to find in my country, focused on nature and heritage. »

Absence of impact study

Ecolot, the company leading the project, has mandated the German company Rixen Cableway, which presents itself as the world leader in water ski cable cars, to carry out a feasibility study on the development, supporting plans. This was included in the renovation file for the nautical base sent to the regional directorate for the environment, planning and housing (Dreal). In its decision rendered on July 12, the State service exempted, after examination, the project of an impact study. However, for Bernard Delluc, the general secretary of the Association of Friends of Caïx, it would be essential. “An environmental study would allow the association to make its position known during the public inquiry. Because, on this issue, we have been ignoredhe is indignant. We support the renovation of the base. But it must remain family and friendly. »

The opponent notes several gaps in the chapter devoted to the ski lift. “While we are in an ultra-protected area – the lower part of the Lot and the Cévenne are located in a natural area of ​​ecological, fauna and flora interest –, ​the file strongly minimizes the surfaces to be artificialized: it makes no mention of the platforms and rear anchoring of the posts, the pontoons stowed on the banks, the protection and avoidance reinforcements in the event of flooding and around ten floaters »he lists. Mr. Delluc also mentions the potential destruction of riparian forests – small woods installed on the banks – and the absence of an impact assessment on the aquatic environment.

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