Loire-Atlantique: this bar-grocery store is the only business in the village

Loire-Atlantique: this bar-grocery store is the only business in the village
Loire-Atlantique: this bar-grocery store is the only business in the village


Thomas Bernard

Published on

May 25, 2024 at 5:37 p.m.

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“What do I get you, my friend? » Behind the bar, Grégoire* smiles at his customers, or rather at his regulars. With his partner Sabrina*, they opened the Relais de Fercé-retro caféthe only business in Fercé (Loire Atlantique).

Loire-Atlantique: a versatile establishment, numerous services

Bar, grocery store, lunchtime restaurant (by reservation), tobacconist and parcel drop-off point: the Fercé relay is versatile and offers many services.

Every Friday, from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.the establishment organizes and welcomes a sale of local producers. “At the grocery store, we have a local products counter where producers present their products,” explains Grégoire.

Native Normandythe couple took over Fercé’s only business in July 2023. “We wanted to take over a business and we saw Fercé’s announcement on the SOS Villages website,” the platform for TF1confides Grégoire.

In professional reconversion, the couple modernized the building and decorated the old bakery according to their tastes. Fake fireplace, blue walls, darts, the bosses impose their style and energize the village.

An essential place to live

Grégoire and Sabrina want to contribute to the life of the community and stimulate the town. The establishment organizes theme evenings or hosts concerts, “we can close at 1 a.m. on Thursdays,” explains Grégoire.

A village life, also animated by the owners on their Facebook page where they relay the various events. The Fercé relay is an essential place to live for the village of less than 500 souls.

Videos: currently on -
The owners of Relais de Fercé took over the establishment after an announcement posted on SOS villages. ©Thomas Bernard / L’Eclaireur de Châteaubriant

“I learned to play belote here,” smiles Vincent, a resident of Fercé for 11 years. “I come two to three times a week and we get together in a small group,” assures Jean-Marc, a resident of Fercé for almost 30 years.

Since I have lived in Fercé, I have seen the only business in the village close several times. When there is nothing, the town is very sad.

Jean-Marc, regular at the Fercé relay

At the bar, customers discuss “everything and nothing”. In the room, Grégoire and Sabrina are unanimous.

A night market

Saturday June 29business owners, in partnership with residents of the town, are organizing a night market from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., Place Saint-Martin.

For the moment we have around twenty artisans and traders participating. After the market, we offer a concert then a DJ set.

Grégoire, boss of the Fercé relay

Grégoire and Sabrina plan to set up an association with the villagers to energize the town. By preserving the village spirit and social interactions, the Fercé relay lives up to its name.

* They did not wish to give their last name.

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