Les Boutières – Social policy redefined for five years

Les Boutières – Social policy redefined for five years
Les Boutières – Social policy redefined for five years

Val’Eyrieux has just renewed an agreement with the Family Allowance Fund. A tool for implementing sustainable social actions in the region. And youth policy is one of the priority areas.

It took eleven months of work between the Family Allowance Fund and the community of municipalities. Tuesday May 21, the two renewed the signing of their global territorial agreement (CTG) for five years. A true roadmap for the community’s social policy, the text is in reality valid until 2028, certain actions having started in 2023. Better yet, there was already a CTG previously and a social policy affirmed by local elected officials. It was just a matter of providing areas for improvement. “Social issues are an important chapter for Val’Eyrieux, just like culture and sport.says Jacques Chabal, its president. We want to go even further in social services. We have identified a demographic problem: we are missing workers in the 20 to 40 year old age group in our territory. So we’re going to target the slice above. Our objective is to develop our offer for adolescents to make them want, if not to stay, at least to come back“.

Activities for 11-17 year olds

Whether in Saint-Pierreville or Cheylard, activities in the two intercommunal social centers stop at the age of 11. Val’Eyrieux plans to create one there during the year 2024-2025 in addition to what is already set up by the Odyssée, an autonomous socio-cultural center in Saint-Agrève. A festive day should also be organized for this age group and in collaboration with young people from the Cheylard high school, already involved in other projects. “We want to involve them in the organization, work with them, create social ties“, summarizes Mathilde Veizaga, childhood-youth coordinator.

A traveling game library

Social ties are also at the heart of another project that could see the light of day in the coming months: a traveling game library. “For us, it is support for parentingcontinues Mathilde Veizaga. The game strengthens the parent/child bond. The game library would be aimed at little ones who could not only interact with their own parents, but also with other adults in the area. And parents could create a bond between them“. Another project: offering mini-summer camp type stays for toddlers and encouraging exchanges between children, on a regional scale.

26 action sheets

There is no shortage of ideas, elected officials and civil servants from Val’Eyrieux, even outside the childhood and youth sector: identifying the obstacles to housing, promoting access to digital technology, working on precariousness and the living environment, subjects on which the community of municipalities has increased in skills in recent years. Proof of this: the first CTG included 8 action sheets at the time. The 2024 document contains 26!



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