2nd Health Disability Autonomy Forum Saturday June 1st at the Figeac Hospital Center

2nd Health Disability Autonomy Forum Saturday June 1st at the Figeac Hospital Center
2nd Health Disability Autonomy Forum Saturday June 1st at the Figeac Hospital Center

the essential
The 2nd Forum dedicated to Health, Disability and Autonomy will take place on Saturday June 1 from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the Hospital garden. The event will bring together 27 associations with interactive discussions around round tables, for all family members and professionals.

Organized by the Figeac Users’ Commission, which ensures that users’ rights are respected and facilitates their procedures so that they can express their difficulties, this 2nd Forum is organizing 3 round tables open to the public. At 10:30 a.m., the first round table devoted to Food will bring together Florence Bladou, referent at the Gourdon CH and Julie Merle, dietitian at the Figeac Health Center. At 1:30 p.m., the round table will be devoted to disabilities in daily life with Maryse Maury, Vice-President of the Lot department in charge of social affairs of Disability and solidarity, Pascale Martos, departmental referent of National Education on Disability Disorder. Spectrum of Autism and Marie Bénédicte Biau, director of the Departmental House for Disabled People. Finally, the last round table will be devoted to the theme of aging well in the Lot with the Coordination Support System – DAC 46. “We will also have the chance to welcome Béatrice Verney, psycholinguist from the Autisme Midi Pyrénées Resource Center, who is coming specifically to talk about CERA diagnosis at all ages of life” specifies Denis Lacaille, user representative at the Figeac Hospital Center. With Brigitte Moreaux, Scarlett Lacaille and Dominique Truck, Denis hopes that this Forum will also be an opportunity for the 27 associations associated with the event to recruit new volunteers. This event is supported by Nathalie Escure, the director of the Figeac Hospital Center. “We are fully associated with the City in this Forum.” The associations present will offer activities, documentation and speaking and discussion times throughout the day. Will be present: Le Planning Familial du Lot, Udaf 46, Apeai Adar, Téléthon, France Alzheimer, AFTC, Ligue contre le cancer, Mouvement Génération, ADMD 46, Fibromyalgie, Ségala Limargue, ANDAR polyarthritis, Trans santé, Lot Diabète, Barbadiab, APF France Disability, Autism Cri 46, Unafam, Huntington-Apajh 46, Fnath, France assos santé, representatives of Lot users, My Health Space, Health Prevention Occitanie, La MDPH 46, CRA and Dac 46.



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