Cotentin. Mirella and Marie-Claude are tourist guides: “We construct the subjects ourselves”

Cotentin. Mirella and Marie-Claude are tourist guides: “We construct the subjects ourselves”
Cotentin. Mirella and Marie-Claude are tourist guides: “We construct the subjects ourselves”


Editorial La Presse de la Manche

Published on

May 25, 2024 at 1:59 p.m.

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The theater, the dike, the Favier garden of the Parc de la Fauconnière, the Ravalet castle, L’Vow Abbeythere Trinity BasilicaLa Cité de la Mer… What do all these sites in Cherbourg (Manche) have in common?

They are classified Historical monuments, among many others. For Marie-Claude Pietance And Mirella Giacomel, tourist guidesthese various places of our heritage have no secrets for them.

Self-employed, Mirella and Marie-Claude are part of a team of seven guides in Cherbourg. Profession of seasonalthey share their course And daily, of a job exciting And rich in local culture.

How to become a guide

Original Romanian, Mirella has lived in Cherbourg since thirteen yearsafter following his spouse. Previously cultural mediator within the national art museum in her native country, Mirella began practicing this profession since five years.

At the time, there was no position for me, so I worked at the Thomas-Henry museum and did cultural mediation. I have a background in art history, which is not trivial. I had a lot of help from veterans with experience to perform here.

Mirella, tourist guide

HAS 72 years old, Marie-Claude is one of these people cited by Mirella. Strong of a long experience at Mont Saint-Michel, Marie-Claude is a pillar of Cherbourg culture from a decade.

To get her guide cardyou must follow a training to obtain a Licence. Nearby CNAM (National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts), in Cherbourg, it is possible to follow it.

Some, like Mirella, spend a VAE (Validation of acquired experience), with the aim of obtaining the valuable sesame to exercise.

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In the prefecture, in Saint-Lô, we must prove our years of profession and practice. In this way, we demonstrate that we are comfortable in front of the public and in this profession.

Mirella, tourist guide

Speaker guide, this is our license to practice», bounces back Marie-Claude. Finally, it should be noted and clarified that the seven Cherbourg tour guides are part of the Normandie Cotentin association.

Oddly enough, I felt that people from outside don’t find the city particularly nice, with the built heritage that they expect. But when we talk to them about Cherbourg, they realize that the history is rich.


Being self-employed the guides respond to the demand for various entities. The tourist office, travel agencies, individuals or even through their own efforts and contacts, are the different means of exercising.

Some agencies have programs and are looking for guides. For example, in a few weeks, an agency in Brittany will offer a Cotentin product. If I’m available, I’ll do it, otherwise it’ll be someone else, that’s how it works.

Marie-Claude, tourist guide

The Middle Age, THE XIXewhere the XXe century with the war, there Belle Epoquedecorative arts. A general tour of Cherbourg with all its facets, both maritime and historical.

A bus tour, where they introduce the Hague or the Val de Saire …are the different possibilities for our guides to discover the Cotentin. Trilingual, Mirella speaks fluently English to guide the many tourists who get off passing boats.

For her part, Marie-Claude no longer practices it and leaves room for youth. However, they are unanimousin front of lack of professionals in their field . “When there are boats of 6,000 people, the seven Cherbourg guides are not enough. We have to look further afield to meet tourist demand, some come from Paris,” point out our two enthusiasts.

Business card

Accompanies people on tourist tours or site visits in order to help them discover places (geographical, historical, cultural specificities), according to the rules for the safety of property and people.
Can lead conferences.
Can provide sports support (horseback riding, summit climbing).
Access to the profession
This profession is accessible with a Certificate or a State Diploma in the animation sectors (Professional Aptitude Certificate for Assistant Animator Technician – BAPAAT -, Professional Certificate for Youth, Popular Education and Sport – BPJEPS -, State Diploma in Youth, Popular Education and Sport – DEJEPS) and sport (State Certificate in Sports Educator – BEES -, mid-mountain guide diploma) or with a BTS in tourism. A professional license as well as a professional card are required for tour guide positions. Knowledge of one or more foreign languages, particularly English, may be required.

In addition to tourists and residents, Mirella and Marie-Claude also respond to there application for schools and collegesto discover our rich heritage . Next week, Marie-Claude will speak to a sea class.

During their stay, the program consists of the discovery of the port. “Often, we construct the subjects ourselves, we can imagine everything.Cherbourg offers a lot, there is substance, It’s an interesting city, that’s for sure. », Specifies Mirella.

“Two years ago we made a visit to architecture many schools came for heritage day,” adds Marie-Claude.

Liking to transmit and being talkative are the qualities required to practice this profession. According to Marie-Claude, adaptis also important in meeting expectations.

“Feel your audience”

You really have to feel your audience.Sometimes you feel like he’s interested in something, or it’s less so, you shouldn’t insist. His sympathy, his curiosity , whether he walks quickly or not. You really have to listen and not talk without being understood. This is the interesting side of the job . »

With a large quantityof books at home, guides must carry out constant research and consult archives.

“It’s so nice to have a subject that we want to highlight and find part of the answer ourselves . The deeper we dig, the further it leads, that’s wonderful. The archives are not sufficiently exploited, and touch old documents from the 18the century, what a feeling! », exclaims Mirella.

“She does a lot of researchlike this and it’s fantastic what she can find. She struggles a lot», highlights Marie-Claude in front of the curiosity of herwork partner.

Even if you have a job, you’re never up to speed. Every day, we can learn new things, it’s great,” he concludes.the experiencedMarie-Claude.

From our correspondent Florian BILLARD

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