a Porte de Montmartre police operation against street vendors

a Porte de Montmartre police operation against street vendors
a Porte de Montmartre police operation against street vendors

This Friday, the Police Prefecture ordered an operation to “fight against insecurity” at Porte de Montmartre. Street sellers of goods and foodstuffs have been ousted from the sector.


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Despite a presence policewoman sustained in the Porte Montmartre sector, many individuals regularly occupy the public highway to carry out an illegal activity of selling goods and foodstuffs on the street“, begins the press release from the Police Prefecture. The PP then takes stock of this police operation in the 18th arrondissement of :

“Nearly 500 people were evicted from the sector, 30 people were checked, 28 fines were issued for illegal selling, 2 criminal fixed fines were issued for violations of drug legislation and 4,500 kg of goods were seized.”

The Prefecture indicates that it carried out the operation because the activities of street vendors generated “significant nuisance and greatly degrading the living environment of local residents living in the neighborhood.”

This operation mobilized numerous local personnel from the police headquarters. They have been strengthened “by the presence of two crews from the Compagnie Cynophile, a team from the Territorial Equestrian Unit of SeineSaint-Denis, two riders from the Republican Guard as well as three sections of CRS.” In conclusion of its press release, the PP indicates that a “massive police presence is
implemented to avoid further relocation on public roads and eradicate this phenomenon.”



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