Alpha Oumar Sow “criticizes” the Senegalese

Alpha Oumar Sow “criticizes” the Senegalese
Alpha Oumar Sow “criticizes” the Senegalese

After the accident of the TransAir plane which went off the runway at Blaise Diagne International Airport (AIBD), Alpha Oumar Sow returned to the situation of the Senegalese company: Air Sénégal.

The president of the Convergence of Young Republicans (COJER) of Keur Massar indexes the “countless reproaches” of the Senegalese about the National Company. “We have to value what we have. We often talk about Air Senegal flight problems or delays, but sometimes we overdo it. If it was Royal Air Maroc or other companies, we can understand, but when it comes to Air Senegal, we criticize. We have to stop at some point,” he insisted, on the PressAfrik TV set, during the MidiKeng show on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

Alpha Oumar Sow adds, without ambiguity: “It is a national heritage. It is the Senegalese who must help us to promote our Company. There are flight and schedule concerns at all airports and companies. In the incident with TransAir, there was more fear than harm. I am not minimizing the accident, but the investigators are on the case, so we will have to wait and trust the result.”

Advocating for a “more assertive patriotism” of his compatriots, the AIBD agent confided that “Air Senegal is trying as best it can to correct and readjust the shortcomings and deficits of the Senegalese subsidiary. It is up to us to support them. We have one of the finest airlines and one of the finest airports.” It is “up to us, Senegalese, to use it and take care of it,” he concluded, reassured.




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