2024 Olympics: “Not a single country has gone this far in its exemptions,” explains the Paris police prefect

2024 Olympics: “Not a single country has gone this far in its exemptions,” explains the Paris police prefect
2024 Olympics: “Not a single country has gone this far in its exemptions,” explains the Paris police prefect
The most populous district of the capital (231,000 inhabitants) will host the table tennis and weightlifting events as well as the handball tournaments (final phase) and volleyball tournaments during the Olympic Games at the Arena Paris Sud (gate of Versailles). They will be followed by boccia, goalball and table tennis events during the Paralympics. Hall 2 of the exhibition center already houses the accreditations distribution center and distribution center for outfits for accredited people, particularly volunteers.

Another strategic site, the Émile Anthoine stadium, which adjoins the 7th arrondissement, and its surroundings, will serve as a rear base for the opening ceremony. Some of the athletes will disembark there after the parade before joining the Trocadéro, via the Jena Bridge and Warsaw Square, where the opening ceremony will end. The delegation boats will dock directly on the quays or on specially designed pontoons, without disturbing the facilities of the low quays where the paying spectators will be seated.

Émile Anthoine will also be an “extension of the Trocadéro site” where the walking, 20 km and road cycling events will take place. The runners of the marathon for all will finally come to collect their bib on August 9 and 10 with the race the same evening. The district will also host the Olympic torch relay on July 15 and the Paralympic torch relay on August 28. Without forgetting a mini-fan zone on the town hall square.




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