The tour of France of schools on the big gear of demands – Medialot

The tour of France of schools on the big gear of demands – Medialot
The tour of France of schools on the big gear of demands – Medialot

Stage this Friday between Parnac and Cahors (including a protest picnic near the Valentré bridge).

12 steps for as many demands. FSU 46 is part of the schools tour of France organized by the union. This Friday, May 24, it is from Parnac to Cahors that the cyclists will set off to denounce the clash of knowledge and make the voice of rural schools heard. “In the Lot, we have a better success rate than the national average. We must keep the same numbers in the 1st degree and maintain or even increase the resources. We need more teachers than classes,” recalled Benoit Debals. “The level groups are always a social sorting. The students will find themselves in a group that is not a class group,” explained Anne-Marie Bonhomme, teacher at Gambetta college. A protest picnic is planned on the Valentré bridge from noon to 2 p.m. before a departure towards the Lycée des Territoires de Cahors-Le Montat via Boulevard Gambetta. From 6 p.m., a tasting of Domaine de Lacoste wines is planned which will be followed by a festive support meal where “the state of schools and education in the Lot” will be presented. in Paris, we will bring a book of solutions to the minister” concluded Benoît Debals.

> The entire program and link to register on


