Côte-d’Or: the prefecture explains the “crazy radar” of Montbardois

Côte-d’Or: the prefecture explains the “crazy radar” of Montbardois
Côte-d’Or: the prefecture explains the “crazy radar” of Montbardois

Crazy or not? The construction radar installed along the departmental road 905 between Fain-lès-Montbard and Seigny would flash all over the place, including those driving below the authorized limit. To verify this information disseminated on social networks, France Bleu Bourgogne went to do the experiment, but when driving below 90 km, the radar did not flash. Info or misinformation, neither.

A problem of discrimination!

The prefecture recognizes the day after the publication of our article and the broadcast of the report, that the incriminated machine generates incoherent flashes. But the explanation is technical. This is because this radar confuses some cars with heavy goods vehicles. The latter are therefore flashed at 80 km/h, the limit for trucks, while cars can travel at 90. The prefecture specifies, however, that no fine “is produced”.




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