“It’s a rock.” Marie-Rose Tessier, the oldest French citizen, celebrates her 114th birthday with her family in Vendée

“It’s a rock.” Marie-Rose Tessier, the oldest French citizen, celebrates her 114th birthday with her family in Vendée
“It’s a rock.” Marie-Rose Tessier, the oldest French citizen, celebrates her 114th birthday with her family in Vendée

Marie-Rose Tessier, the oldest French citizen, is celebrating her 114th birthday in her nursing home in Les Sables d’Olonne. Her granddaughter, Marie-Christine, gives us her news.

“She was very ill last March, she had bronchitis, she was on oxygen, tired. I was worried but she recovered very well”says Marie-Christine, the granddaughter of Marie-Rose Tessier, as if fascinated by her grandmother’s iron health.

An steadfast grandmother, despite herself. Because his sight and hearing are now seriously lacking.

But at 114, normal, right? Indeed, Marie-Rose celebrates her 114th birthday on May 21, 2024.

“She doesn’t care, it’s beyond her control“, explains her granddaughter, almost 72 years old, with frankness. Before adding, “She has good days and not so good days”.

But Marie-Christine is lucid, and says it herself: “Cis a rock. She has no illness, no cholesterol, good blood pressure and a good heart, in every sense of the word.”

A super-grandmother, a super-centenarian in short. Who will have known two world wars, sixteen presidents of the Republic, and 103 Tour de France. Just that.


Marie Rose Henriette Augustine Bousseau was born on May 21, 1910 in Beaurepaire in Vendée.

© • © Capture AD85

Marie-Rose was born on May 21, 1910 in Beaurepaire, in the north of the Vendée department.

Her husband was killed by bombs during World War II. She also lost her daughters. All that remains today is her granddaughter, Marie-Christine, and her great-granddaughter who lives in Italy, as well as nephews who are already over 90 years old.

Marie-Christine also lives in Vendée/ She can visit him every day in his nursing home “Le logis des Olonnes”, in Les Sables d’Olonne.

“I come by every day for a snack. It’s a distraction and a break in the afternoon, because we’re not going to lie, his days are long.”

Because old age, even well lived, does not prevent loneliness. And Marie-Christine is aware of this. She is often the witness.

On the days when she is less well, she tells me that she wants to die. Sometimes she even cries


Granddaughter of Marie-Rose Tessier

“I would like to be able to improve his daily comfort, but we feel helpless. How can we help him more? On a daily basis, it’s hard”


Marie-Rose Tessier is surrounded by her granddaughter Marie-Christine who comes to visit her every day at the nursing home.

© France 3 Pays de la Loire – David Jouillat

This grandmother “amazing”, also loses memory more and more. “She recognizes us well but as soon as there are people in her room we have to explain to her again who is who”, continues his granddaughter, his faithful confidante.

For her birthday, the nursing home cook has planned to make her her favorite cake, a strawberry cake that she will enjoy surrounded by her granddaughter and the nursing staff.

What should you wish or give him for his 114th birthday?

“I hope that it continues like this for her, as long as she is surrounded by love. And I also wish her, when her heart decides, to be able to leave peacefully.”

A beautiful declaration of love.

READ ALSO. TESTIMONY. “It doesn’t matter to me at all to be old”, Marie-Rose Tessier 113 years old, the new oldest of the French

After the death of André Ludwig, Vendée Marie-Rose Tessier, 113, becomes the oldest French woman

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