A medieval festival in Puy-de-Dôme in the viewfinder of an animal rights association

The Paris Animals Zoopolis Association (PAZ) is mobilizing against the presence of captive and trained raptors during the next edition of the Médiévales de Montferrand. Monday May 20, she launched an online petition and contacted the mayor of Clermont-Ferrand and the organizers of the historic festival by mail.

“Raptors have nothing to do in medieval festivals. We ask the mayor and the organizing association not to wait passively for the law against animal abuse to come into force and to initiate the release from captivity animal now by stopping programming numbers with wild animals.” With these words taken from a letter dated Monday May 20, 2024, Amandine Sanvisens, co-founder of the Paris Animal Zoopolis Association (PAZ), challenged Olivier Bianchi and the organizers of the Médiévales de Montferrand.

The falconry show in question

An emblematic event in Puy-de-Dôme, the 28th edition of this historic festival will take place from Friday May 31 to Sunday June 2. On this occasion, a falconry show featuring trained birds of prey is scheduled for Saturday at 4:30 p.m. and Sunday at 4 p.m. Already presented in 2022, this animation is not to PAZ’s taste.

Photo illustration Marjorie Cauchoix

“For a few minutes of spectacle, these wild animals are imprisoned for life. They undergo training, by definition violent and cruel since it is based on the rationing of their food.”

Amandine Sanvisens (co-founder of the Paris Animals Zoopolis Association)

PAZ therefore asks the mayor of Clermont-Ferrand, Olivier Bianchi, through his letter and an online petition, “to take the animal condition seriously by no longer programming shows with wild animals in Clermont-Ferrand. If this is the case , by not subsidizing an association that programs acts with wild animals.”

And to recall that, if the law against animal abuse provides for the ban on the use of wild animals in traveling shows from December 1, 2028, a certain number of medieval festivals have already renounced the use of birds of prey for their festivities.

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