Coastal erosion. In the Channel, when will there be convergence to be ready on time?

Coastal erosion. In the Channel, when will there be convergence to be ready on time?
Coastal erosion. In the Channel, when will there be convergence to be ready on time?


Géraldine Lebourgeois

Published on

May 21, 2024 at 10:45 a.m.

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Anticipating, accepting, adapting form the essential triptych facing the evolution of the coastline and the Manche department, with its 674 kilometers of coastlinecan be exemplary in this matter.

In the hypothesis of a multiplication of stormy eventsmany reactions are recognize the fragility of seasidesbut rather with the neighbors…

We are not all subject to the same risk ”, is an assertion that is in any case shared. Like that of “ implement projects to protect people “.

Today it is recommended to let nature take its course, it depends on where you are. But if we want demographic development, we will have to revisit urbanization rules that make it possible to compensate for these phenomena. You have to find the right balance.

Manuela Mahier, mayor of La Hague (Manche) and vice-president of the Cotentin Agglomeration

“Find the right balance”

A notice from Ceser (Economic, Social and Environmental Council) published on Thursday March 21, 2024 rightly mentions “hollow teeth”in urbanized areas, their valorization and “reasoned densification”, a perspective welcomed by elected officials, as in Hauteville-sur-Mer (Manche) which, in November 2023, after the Ciarán storm, was in the spotlight due to work with sand reloading to protect its dike.

We can’t let it go to waste », defends Louis Teyssier, mayor of Blainville-sur-Mer (Manche), also exposed, and delegated advisor in charge of the coast for Coutances Mer and Bocage. “We have to compromise, admit and act. »

We can’t make ourselves heard », deplores for his part Jacques Saint-Cricq, president of the ASA (Authorized trade union association) Digue center Coutainville, member of the ADTCOC (Association for the defense of the west Cotentin coastline) which represents 10,000 owners.

It’s not a question of cementing everything, but we must do everything to protect human, societal and fundamental issues. The Danes and the Dutch start from the principle that it costs less to protect than to retreat or relocate,” says the ASA representative ready to pay 2 million euros for the maintenance of the Coutainville dikeeven if it is only for 30 years.

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“The development of our coastline must be possible”

“Many of the houses in danger were built after the war. We wanted to be by the sea, without worrying about the future even though the ancients knew and had not built on land that is not fixed. This wisdom has disappearedeven if it has to be put into perspective depending on the location,” says Anne-Marie Duchemin, president of Cotentin Nature Quality of life.

“The work of the IPCC is extremely interesting, a scientific basis to be considered in the long term. The development of our coastline must be possible, but the attraction of our territory begins with respect for nature. »

“We can act with gentle methods, which have proven themselves, for example Bretteville-sur-Ayillustrates Jean Morin, president of the Department. Each portion of the territory has its appropriate methods. We still have a lot to learn in this area, but we must prepare for the inexorable. »

The ongoing diagnostics and mapping will lead to the identification of sectors where it will no longer be possible to build, others where it will be necessary to consider abandoning property, moving back into the land, etc. Prospects which in any case require heavy financing.

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