Morocco donates 200 tonnes of fertilizer for small farmers in Guatemala –

Morocco donates 200 tonnes of fertilizer for small farmers in Guatemala –
Morocco donates 200 tonnes of fertilizer for small farmers in Guatemala –

Morocco donated 200 tons of fertilizer for small farmers in Guatemala. This support aims to contribute to efforts to reduce poverty and malnutrition in several regions of Guatemala.

The distribution ceremony of these fertilizers took place in the province of Totonicapán, in the presence of the Moroccan ambassador to Guatemala, Tarik Louajri, and the Guatemalan Minister of Agriculture, Maynor Estrada. This initiative marks the first phase of aid which will benefit approximately 10,000 families spread across seven Guatemalan provinces, according to a press release from the Moroccan diplomatic mission in Guatemala City.

During this event, the Minister of Agriculture of Guatemala, Maynor Estrada, expressed his gratitude to Morocco, asking Ambassador Louajri to convey his sincere thanks to His Majesty King Mohammed VI. The minister highlighted the importance of this donation for rural development and the implementation of government plans aimed at reducing poverty and malnutrition.

Delfina Garcia, governor of Totonicapán, also expressed her gratitude for this valuable aid, emphasizing that it will directly benefit the inhabitants of her province, which relies largely on subsistence agriculture. She noted that this initiative will help reduce the isolation of the province and support efforts to improve agricultural production and achieve self-sufficiency.

Ambassador Tarik Louajri expressed his satisfaction at participating in this event, affirming that this donation reflects Morocco’s commitment to food security, a priority advocated by His Majesty King Mohammed VI. He also reaffirmed the Kingdom’s desire to strengthen cooperation with Guatemala in all areas, particularly in agriculture and the fight against poverty.

Mr. Louajri insisted on the importance of South-South cooperation, a strategic pillar of Moroccan foreign policy. He assured that Morocco is ready to continue to collaborate with Guatemalan President Bernardo Arevalo and his government to promote the progress and prosperity of the Guatemalan people.

This Moroccan initiative is part of a series of gestures of solidarity towards friendly countries, illustrating the Kingdom’s commitment to supporting sustainable development and food security across the world. The ceremony was also attended by senior officials from the Guatemalan Ministry of Agriculture, as well as local MPs and representatives, highlighting the importance of this support for local communities.



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