Cévennes episode: schools will remain closed in fifteen communes of Lozère, this Friday

Cévennes episode: schools will remain closed in fifteen communes of Lozère, this Friday
Cévennes episode: schools will remain closed in fifteen communes of Lozère, this Friday

The mayors and the prefecture are maintaining their orders for this Friday, October 18, 2024.

The Lozère department is currently placed on red flood alert as well as orange rain-flooding and thunderstorms.

By orders of the mayors and the prefect, the closure of primary and secondary schools as well as the suspension of school transport, put in place this Thursday 17, are renewed this Friday, October 18.

The 15 municipalities concerned

Thus, the schools and colleges in the following municipalities will be closed or will only provide simple reception: Prévencheres; Pied-de-Borne; Altier; Villefort; Saint-André-Capcèze; Ventalon-en-Cévennes; Saint-Privat-de-Vallongue; Saint-Michel-de-Dèze; Le Collet-de-Dèze; Saint-Martin-de-Lansuscle; Gabriac; Sainte--Vallée-Française (reception); Saint-Germain-de-Calberte; Moissac-Vallée-Française (reception); Saint-Etienne-Vallée-Française.

The prefecture reminds you of the precautions to take: limit your travel;
never enter a submerged or partially submerged traffic lane; do not cross a submersible bridge or ford if it is closed or begins to be submerged; keep informed of the evolution of the meteorological situation on www.meteofrance.fr and on the evolution of watercourses www.vigicrues.gouv.fr



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