South-Gironde. Heritage: winegrowers’ cabins in the spotlight

South-Gironde. Heritage: winegrowers’ cabins in the spotlight
South-Gironde. Heritage: winegrowers’ cabins in the spotlight


Editorial team Le Républicain Langon

Published on

May 20, 2024 at 8:00 p.m.

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The Verdelaisien Holiday and Leisure Center (CVLV) in South Gironde, keen to promote its territory by involving residents, is carrying out a project which aims to promote the winegrowers’ cabins in the sector.

The objective of this development of winegrowers’ cabins? “ Invite people to go for a walk around their hometo (re)discover and appropriate their local heritage,” specifies the association.

After offering hikes with different people in the town of Pian-sur-Garonne (around fifteen cabins), it is the turn of Saint-Maixant to serve as a “laboratory of ideas” for the development of the little houses. of winegrowers.

Witness to human and local activity, they date from the 19e century or before and measure up to around thirty square meters.

Residents at the heart of the action

In Saint-Maixant, in the middle of the rows of vines, around ten of them, cracking or restored, served as shelter for workers and to store equipment. Today, they line the departmental hiking trails.

On our hillsides, this walk allows the discovery of these cabins and the most beautiful viewpoints of Saint-Maixant.

Cabane de Saint-Maixant ©CVLV/document sent to

Project leader, the CVLV relies heavily on local associations linked to nature, the media and the arts. With St-Macaire, Declic & Clap (photo club) and Ardilla (musical course) will be there, iTi radio (Girondin podcast) has also been invited.

Videos: currently on -

With the children of the Saint-Maixant after-school reception, the visual artist Valérie Champigny, who likes to say that she “poetizes nature”, accompanies the project to help createa “talking” card of this hike.

Teenagers involved

Even teenagers are involved! Indeed, a brilliant idea was launched: what if our young people imagined the improbable meeting between Mauriac and Lautrec? It is at the end of August that this theme will be offered to them via Multipotes.

On September 21 and 22, during Heritage Days, an original presentation of the circuit will be offered. Collecting testimonies from residents who share their memories, involving new generations to create bonds around a common identity, that is the objective of this project.

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