A new communist quartet in

A new communist quartet in
A new communist quartet in Gard

Meeting on Friday October 11, the dozen communist sections of validated the succession of Vincent Bouget, secretary of the Gard federation for ten years. The 91 delegates present therefore opted for collegial leadership made up of four co-secretaries, two men and two women.

« I find it very positive that the Gard federation is a force for proposals on a collective secretariat at a time when, all of us on the left, we criticize presidentialism, the question of incarnation and we are in favor of a Sixth Republic. It’s interesting that the Gard communists are testing something new even if it aroused some fears among some », Explains Saliha Boussedra, one of the four co-secretaries of the PCF30.

For an efficient organization, everyone will have a specific function. Frédéric Deschamps and Saliha Boussedra were first elected to share the spokesperson. In addition, Frédéric Deschamps will be responsible for preparing the elections and in particular the Municipal elections of 2026 where the stakes will be essential for the PCF. He will also have to maintain relations with the PCF’s partners, including other progressive political parties, unions and associations.

Professor of philosophy with a thesis on feminism and Karl Marx, Saliha Boussedra will be responsible for the link with the national authorities of the PCF since she is a member of the National Council. Graduated with a DEA in communications and very present in the federation since the death of Françoise Ferretti, Muriel Blachère will take care of the party’s communications.

Alesian elected official Jean-Michel Suau, representing the rest of the department, will be in charge of the life of the party and the link with the various elected officials. “ In view of a national congress which must take place in a year or two, our application for a shared secretariat aims to continue and amplify the much more collective work which had begun with Vincent Bouget. We aim to develop it further. My role will be to connect all communists, including those who are isolated in territories, and to strengthen membership,” warns the former departmental elected official. But the quartet will obviously not be in charge of everything since activists will be appointed to different commissions to put forward proposals.



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