Opposed to megabasins, this regional councilor from Haute-Loire compares them to a “poker move for farmers”

Opposed to megabasins, this regional councilor from Haute-Loire compares them to a “poker move for farmers”
Opposed to megabasins, this regional councilor from Haute-Loire compares them to a “poker move for farmers”

Last weekend, more than 5,000 opponents of the megabasin construction project gathered in Puy-de-Dôme. Renaud Daumas, EELV advisor for Haute-Loire at the AuRA regional council, was present at this “festive” hike.

Renaud Daumas, organic market gardener and EELV advisor for Haute-Loire, traveled to Puy-de-Dôme to protest against these water retentions, but not only that… The Altiligère market gardener calls for dialogue.

Megabasins: an unprofitable investment?

Before the environmental aspect, he is worried by the overinvestment of farmers in these projects. “There is an easy figure: over the last 20 years, with the flow rates of the Allier, there are only six years where they could have filled these mega-basins. We see that it is a big gamble for farmers This will cost them, even with the 70% public money, around €300,000 per farmer, whereas this system will work one year out of three. It is not a very reasonable investment.

For the moment, a certain flow rate is required in the Allier to be able to pump in between November and March. Renaud Daumas fears that the establishment of megabasins will be followed by exceptional regimes granted to be able to pump even if there is not enough water in Allier. “All this will impact biodiversity,” warns the elected environmentalist who does not want to dictate his vision.

Mega-basins, water reservoirs… Hundreds of projects will be authorized, confirms Gabriel Attal

The Altiligère market gardener wants “everyone” to be brought around the table to find a consensus around water management. “We must review our priorities and think about the agriculture we want for tomorrow. We must prioritize, and that is through democratic debate. For the moment, one section puts pressure on the government to continue as before, as if nothing had happened.”

Felix Mouraille




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