Phoenix: the federal government owes its civil servants an apology

Phoenix: the federal government owes its civil servants an apology
Phoenix: the federal government owes its civil servants an apology

Eight years and four billion dollars later, the federal government is facing the facts: the Phénix payroll management system is a dismal failure!

The ordeal of the civil servant!

Civil servant: it’s a “job steady and a good boss” to paraphrase Yvon Deschamps.

What could we complain about?

A nice paycheck paid regularly every two weeks.

You’re so fat!

Except that for thousands of state employees, things are stuck at the edges.

For many, the nightmare has lasted for eight years.

Horror stories

Imagine, eight years of fighting with bureaucracy to correct recurring errors.

Eight years of having to scrutinize your pay slip.

That’s on the condition of receiving one, of pay!

Civil servants have sometimes not received a salary for weeks.

Some went bankrupt or lost their homes because they couldn’t pay the mortgage.

Broken families, crumbling under financial problems.

Workers have sunk into deep depression, sometimes leading to suicide.

The employer is the State!

Not one of those multinationals, for which workers represent a shapeless mass to be shaped or crushed according to market fluctuations.

What irony!

Your boss is this federal government that advocates balance and good mental health!

This boss who even offers his employees training in this area! Isn’t that beautiful?

Has the federal government offered an apology to its employees who for years were victims of errors in this payroll management system?

Hope keeps us alive…

They still have to continue their obstacle course to obtain corrections or compensation.

Let’s hope that the implementation of a new payroll management system will not cause this “phoenix” to rise from its ashes.



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