An exhibition at the MEG explores colonization

An exhibition at the MEG explores colonization
An exhibition at the MEG explores colonization

“Memories. Geneva in the colonial world”, a new temporary exhibition at the MEG to rethink the point of view on the institution’s collections.

An exhibition that starts with the MEG inventories. In these notebooks listing the entire collection, we discover the history of each object. Who brought it to the museum, on what date, in what condition. But through these lines we also understand the big story.

Stories that we find in the different spaces of the exhibition with first of all a route entitled the collection and which returns to the history of colonization and its link with Geneva.

The second space of the exhibition is made up of several capsules. In each of them, a dialogue is created around an object. A way to highlight the co-construction approach with the heirs of the heritage preserved by the MEG. We can see in particular this ivory tusk looted by British troops in Benin City.

Throughout the exhibition, contemporary artists were invited to add their touch, their testimony, their perspective to the stories told by the MEG. Between past, present and future, the history of the collection is revealed.

“Memories. Geneva in the colonial world”, an explosion to be seen at the MEG until January 5, 2025. And all the content of the exhibition is also available on the website




PREV three of the four polling stations are moving