Haut-Rhin. In Mulhouse, we organize Olympics between seniors

Haut-Rhin. In Mulhouse, we organize Olympics between seniors
Haut-Rhin. In Mulhouse, we organize Olympics between seniors


Benjamin Forant

Published on

May 16, 2024 at 4:14 p.m.

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Launched in January 2024 by the collective Live well and age wellcoordinated by the CCAS of Mulhouse, the Olympics Senior specials come to an end this Thursday, May 16.

After weeks of weekly training since the start of the year and group stages held in recent weeks, the time for the big final has arrived.

Promoting physical activity among seniors

In total, 80 participants from different socio-cultural centers or senior residences trained to compete as a team in events.

Among the sports practiced by older people, we find vortex throwrelay, adapted volleyballprecision gaming.

The objective of this program is twofold. Initially, the organizers wanted promote physical activity seniors. Then they wanted fight against isolation elderly people living at home or in senior residences.

“These meetings, which are intended to be fun, are an opportunity to forge links between participants and between generations. In fact, young volunteers in civic service from Unis Cités take part in the event to referee the events,” the city specifies in a press release.

Enough to be ready for the launch in a few weeks of the 2024 Olympic Games!

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