The SVP wants a Switzerland “in order” and recommends 4 yeses in November –

The SVP wants a Switzerland “in order” and recommends 4 yeses in November –
The SVP wants a Switzerland “in order” and recommends 4 yeses in November –

Meeting in an assembly in Aarau on Saturday, the SVP delegates hoped for the return of order to Switzerland. Their president Marcel Dettling vilified the left. The delegates recommended voting yes on November 24 to uniform financing of care

“People are fed up with mass immigration and asylum chaos,” said Marcel Dettling in his opening speech to the assembly of delegates mainly devoted to the initiative “No Switzerland for 10 million !” “People are fed up with billions of francs being squandered abroad” while the Swiss must “give up, save, always be wise and pay taxes”.

“How stupid are we?”

“The Swiss are fed up with illegal migrants being subject to rules other than ours,” continued the Schwyz national councilor. Applicants “can free ride on trains” and “commit shoplifting without being excluded from the asylum procedure”.

“They can enter Switzerland illegally without any consequences. On the contrary, they are even rewarded” with 100% support and “they are not even obliged to work”. “How stupid are we?” asked Marcel Dettling.

There is still “a glimmer of hope”, according to the president of the UDC. The National Council has decided that applicants whose asylum application has been rejected should no longer be able to bring their families to Switzerland.

The PS, the Greens and the Green Liberals “want to be able to continue with the status quo”, declared Marcel Dettling. “To vote for PS, Vert-es or Vert’libéral is to vote for the continuation of asylum abuses.” The Center also “condons” on certain points “the asylum chaos caused by the pink-green left”, affirmed the president of the UDC.

>> Listen to Marielle Savoy’s explanations in the 12:30 p.m.

The SVP delegates meet in an assembly in Aarau and decide on the slogans for the votes on November 24 / 12:30 p.m. / 2 min. / today at 12:32

Help “for eternity”

It is “inconsistent” that Switzerland must pay billions for the reconstruction of Ukraine “while spending billions for Ukrainians who do not want to return home”, believes the Schwyz national councilor. The S status “is synonymous with social assistance in Switzerland ad aeternam”.

The Confederation is missing billions and savings proposals are meeting resistance, notes Marcel Dettling. The Center and the Left want to solve the financial problem with additional revenues which “are nothing more than higher taxes.” “The center-left parties want to take even more money out of your pocket.”

The UDC has solutions to “restore order in Switzerland”, according to Marcel Dettling. These are the initiative “on border protection, against asylum abuse” and the initiative “No Switzerland for 10 million!”.





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