SENEGAL-CULTURE / ”Behind the scenes Senegal”, a project launched to promote a creative and equitable industry – Senegalese press agency

Dakar, May 12 (APS) – Cultural and economic actors proceeded, on Saturday, to the official launch of the project ”Behind the scenes Senegal”, an initiative aimed at catalyzing change and “fostering a more equitable and creative industry inclusive,” noted the APS.

”We came today to mark the beginning of this initiative which helps catalyze change and promote a more equitable and inclusive creative industry,” declared the representative of the Economic and Monetary Research Laboratory (LAREM), Ousmane Faye.

Mr. Faye was speaking at the official launch of the said project, focused on the theme: “young women and gender inequality in the African creative sector”. The meeting recorded the presence of the Director of Arts and several actors working in this field.

”This project promotes cultural diversity and the empowerment of young women in the cultural sector,” he explained Mr. Faye.

The African creative industry, he added, is “booming”, with a wealth of talent, innovations in the fields of fashion, music, cinema, visual arts, etc. . Despite this immense potential, he however regretted that young women creators in Africa are often faced with obstacles limiting their access to opportunities and hindering their success.

”We are seeking to explore these obstacles and to change this situation with the behind the scenes project,” he indicated, specifying that it will also be a question of mapping the country’s creative sector to, not only know the infrastructure, but also the systems allowing you to have a good working tool.

He expressed a determination to ensure that the voices and talents of young women are never again ignored, but celebrated and highlighted.

”This project is set up to strengthen the capacity of women researchers in the creative industry. It is implemented in 7 African countries including Senegal, the only French-speaking country, for his part, underlined the director of the Institute of Arts and Culture (ISAC) of the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar. (UCAD).

Babacar Mbaye noted that the project will provide a quality creative database in Africa.

”Thirteen young people were recruited, including 10 women, for a period of 3 years. We received more than 100 applications and after deliberation, only thirteen were successful,” said the director of ISAC.




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