Here’s how much money Quebecers will spend on Christmas gifts in 2024

Here’s how much money Quebecers will spend on Christmas gifts in 2024
Here’s how much money Quebecers will spend on Christmas gifts in 2024

Despite the rising cost of living which puts a strain on our budgets, the holiday season remains an opportunity to please our favorite people and spend considerable sums on Christmas gifts. How much do Quebecers plan to spend to spoil their loved ones? A new study has been released and you can now find out how much each generation plans to spend on end-of-year celebrations.

The company specializing in consulting services PwC Canada published a report on October 8 entitled Outlook for the 2024 Holiday Season, which reveals the amounts that each age group by province plans to spend on gifts, travel and entertainment. To carry out this analysis, the company surveyed 1,000 Canadians towards the end of the summer.

This report indicates, among other things, a 13% increase in spending planned for Christmas across Canada compared to last year. However, the Quebec population is not the one who is likely to spend the most money in the country for the end-of-year holidays.

What you need to know: Here is where La Belle Province stands regarding the amounts allocated to gifts, travel and entertainment for December 25, 2024 and January 1, 2025.

Quebecers are expected to spend an average of $1,474 for the holiday season this year.PwC Canada

Quebecers are on track to be the most thrifty across the country for this holiday season this year, according to this table from PwC Canada. In fact, they should spend on average $1,474, almost $400 less than the national average ($1,853) and almost $500 below their neighbors in Ontario ($1,960). That said, this amount still represents the equivalent of a bi-monthly paycheck… or even more!

Still according to this same report, it is the populations of Manitoba and Ontario (the Prairies) who spend the most.

In Quebec, we see differences in gift budgets between each age group, and this difference is particularly marked among Generation Z (17-27 years old), according to this other table from PwC Canada.

Generation Z would be the biggest spenders for the holidays this year in Quebec.PwC Canada

These young people would therefore be those who are most likely to spend for Christmas this year, with an average sum of $1,975. Next come Generation X, with a gift budget of $1,572. The gap widens even more with millennials, who are expected to pay $600 less than representatives of Generation Z ($1,388). Moreover, baby boomers follow closely with $1,210.

To find out more on the subject: Many people are planning or have already planned to travel to celebrate the holiday season. A new ranking tells us which are the most popular travel destinations on Google’s search engine in Canada – you can discover them here.



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