Tenants at 2208 Galt Street West will not be able to return to their homes

Tenants at 2208 Galt Street West will not be able to return to their homes
Tenants at 2208 Galt Street West will not be able to return to their homes

The tenants of the building hit by a truck on February 15 on Galt Street West will not be able to return to their homes. In an email, the owner informed them that an interior demolition is planned for next week and that the work and approval procedures could take up to two years. They only have a few days to collect their personal belongings not contaminated with diesel. Two tenants deplore this way of doing things.

February 15, 2024 remains engraved in the memory of the tenants of 2208, rue Galt Ouest, in Sherbrooke. That day, a truck drove into the building where they lived. Overnight, the tenants of the four apartments had to find new shelter. The building was weakened and diesel escaped from the vehicle. For months, they waited for answers without being able to return.


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The vehicle ended up inside the building. (Archive photo)

Photo: Radio-Canada / Guillaume Renaud

Wednesday evening, they received an email specifying that the diesel had significantly contaminated the ground and the premises, and that the damage was estimated at several thousand dollars.

and approval procedures could take up to two years. We cannot guarantee a return to normal before this period”,”text”:”We advise you to start looking for a new apartment. Reconstruction work and approval procedures could take up to two years. We cannot guarantee a return to normal before this period”}}”>We advise you to start looking for a new apartment. Reconstruction work and approval procedures could take up to two years. We cannot guarantee a return to normal before this period.indicates in particular this email.

The owner also warns them that they must collect their personal effects before next week since interior demolition is planned.

Nadia Curadeau, a disaster victim, blames the blow. Giving us four days to empty our apartment is inhumaneshe laments.

We are informed that there will be at least two years of work. For the next two years, we have to find a roof to put over our heads, we have to reorganize our entire life. The owner’s total lack of empathy for our distress is simply aberrant.adds Philippe Darveau, another victim.

In the context of a housing crisis, things become complicated. I only paid $470 a month. It’s impossible for me to find an apartment at that price. Fortunately, I managed to bounce back, but obviously my finances are going to take a big hithe notes.

Philippe Darveau is hopeful of being compensated by his private insurer for material losses. I had just bought a mattress, a new bed. It’s going to be a total losshe says.

Saturday, we reunite the family. We come to take out our memories, our personal effects, and the rest, we leave it thereadds Nadia Curadeau.

Radio-Canada tried, in vain, to contact the owner of the building to find out his plans. No demolition permit has yet been issued by the City.

The tenants believe that in this case, mistakes were made.

It’s so chaotic that it’s easy for us tenants to get lost in this meandersighs Philippe Darveau.

We send formal notices, we get no response from himalso launches Nadia Curadeau.

With information from Guylaine Charette



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