Weather: up to 30°C expected this weekend in France, 25°C in Paris (): 7-day forecast

Weather: up to 30°C expected this weekend in France, 25°C in Paris (): 7-day forecast
Weather: up to 30°C expected this weekend in France, 25°C in Paris (): 7-day forecast

A taste of summer. Cap and sunscreen will accompany you this weekend. The thermometer will climb up to 30°C in certain places in France, while the mercury has already risen well this Thursday everywhere in France, allowing some to enjoy the beach during this Ascension Bridge. But be careful not to get too fond of it, storms are expected to return on Sunday.

25°C in Paris, 30°C in Bordeaux… Throughout this weekend, two thirds of the country should be under the sun and pleasant heat in the afternoon. This Friday too, temperatures will be generous with the 20°C mark which will be exceeded almost everywhere.

On Saturday, a few discreet clouds will still be there, but it will be the hottest day on the Ascension Bridge. Between 9 and 15°C is expected in the morning, as for the afternoon, it will be up to 30°C near the Pyrenees.

The anticyclone which will bring us this sunny weather should gradually withdraw on Sunday. The sky will cloud over and sometimes become threatening in the afternoon. The heat will make the atmosphere heavy.

A few storms should still return occasionally on Sunday, in a scattered manner, in the form of showers, from the Pyrenees to the northeast. These storms could be accompanied by a risk of hail, specifies La Chaine Météo.

Sunday afternoon, temperatures should be lower, particularly in the west due to the presence of clouds. 18°C to 24°C are expected in the afternoon, between Normandy and the southern regions of the Garonne. In Alsace and Rhône-Alpes, temperatures will withstand the arrival of storms with 25°C in Strasbourg and Lyon.

This deterioration will mark a change in weather towards a disturbed, cool, rainy and windy following week.



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