EDITORIAL In Nîmes, the Rouverand method

EDITORIAL In Nîmes, the Rouverand method
EDITORIAL In Nîmes, the Rouverand method

Each time a minister travels, the Nîmes elected official manages to shake hands, introduce herself and take a photo. Which is not without annoying his opponents…

In 2020, on the eve of the Municipal Elections, did Valérie Rouverand expect such a development? Suspected of having taken her card from Working to strengthen the candidacy of Yvan Lachaud, the Centrist has demonstrated, for several years, its ability to stand on its own two feet. The matter was not won: the mundillo policy systematically reducing her to the rank of Yvan Lachaud’s assistant or titillating her over her stormy relations with the former Nîmes MP, Françoise Dumas. Whatever. On the ground, with a leaflet in hand, Valérie Rouverand is campaigning. First co-referent of En Marche with Bagnolais Jérome Talon, she became president of the Renaissance movement. Enough to keep up to date with the news of your movement and above all, the travel of ministers. In Nîmes, there is no point counting on the majority. Invitation cards are systematically lost… But even if the doors remain closed, Valérie Rouverand goes through the window. She herself contacts the Government to find out its agenda. Each time she travels, Valérie Rouverand introduces herself to the minister, exchanges a few words and takes a photo. It is not uncommon for her to immediately send a press release to clearly mark her presence. Her lobbying business led her, last week, to bring MEP Fabienne Keller to Nîmes. His strategy is starting to pay off. Today she is propelled to 53rd place on the list of her movement for the June 9 Europeans. If she is not in an eligible position, it is mainly a recognition. It’s a beginning. The opposition representative must still register on the merits of the files if she intends to count for the next municipal elections. But in the meantime, who would have bet, four years ago, on his political longevity? Very few people for sure.



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