Uncertain political future? : “Fitzgibbon plays a little with the media”, believes Philippe-Vincent Foisy

Uncertain political future? : “Fitzgibbon plays a little with the media”, believes Philippe-Vincent Foisy
Uncertain political future? : “Fitzgibbon plays a little with the media”, believes Philippe-Vincent Foisy

Pierre Fitzgibbon has fun at the expense of journalists while placing himself in a favorable negotiating position by leaving doubt about his political future according to political analyst Philippe-Vincent Foisy.

• Read also: Fitzgibbon will leave politics before the end of his mandate, according to our jousters

• Read also: Pierre Fitzgibbon does not commit to finishing his mandate

During a press scrum on Wednesday, Mr. Fitzgibbon did not want to confirm whether he would end his current mandate in Quebec.

On Thursday morning, the Minister of the Economy added more, jokingly telling journalists that he had “thought about that last night” and that he was going to serve a third term.

“It’s still funny, isn’t it? affirms the chronicler. I have the impression that Pierre Fitzgibbon is playing a bit with the media at the moment, like a cat looking at a little mouse.

“He knows how the machine works, he knows that we want to ask him this question and he doesn’t say it. Firstly, he gets people talking about him, secondly, it gives him power in the negotiation [de futures ententes].”

Some might want to come to an agreement with him before he leaves his post, according to Philippe-Vincent Foisy.

“There is all this unpredictability which gives it a certain power, which gives it an appeal,” he believes.

“I’m a little jealous of Pierre Fitzgibbon’s freedom,” he adds. His financial freedom allows him to say “I am sick of the political contest, I did what I had to do, when I decide to leave, I will leave.”

See Philippe-Vincent Foisy’s full analysis in the video above



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