Seine et Marne. She will help you free yourself thanks to kinesiology

Seine et Marne. She will help you free yourself thanks to kinesiology
Seine et Marne. She will help you free yourself thanks to kinesiology

By Yoann Vallier
Published on

May 8, 24 at 8:00

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After an experience in aesthetics, Chrystel Chotar Vasseur spent three years atFrench School of Yoga and completed several internships at the Reiki Institute. Experiences which allowed him to understand the energetic aspect of hand care, and the holistic approach to life as a whole, with all its components.

It is natural that it then moves towards human kinesiology with the addition of animal kinesiology : “We all function in the same way in energetic and emotional terms”. Kinesiology is a set of manual techniques practiced gently and safely which aim to restore the individual’s balance. A body of knowledge that she shares today, to help you rebalance yourself.

Indeed, an internal disorder can have external repercussions. Kinesiology allows you to feel good in your body, in your head but also with others: » That’s the objective. Be aligned with yourself allows you to have a fulfilling social life both in the private and professional sphere and in the world in general.”

Evacuate childhood trauma

Chrystel Chotar

The kinesiology session begins with a time to talk to identify the physical, psychological and emotional issues and define the objective. Then on a treatment table, through different maneuvers, the practitioner will locate imbalances in the body and bring as many problems to the surface as possible to identify them.

At the end of the session, rebalancing and corrections are carried out. There is an integration time of three or four days before you feel the effects, and it takes three weeks for concrete results.

Kinesiology treats many disorders such as diet, sleep, depression, burn-out, fibromyalgia… Your animals are welcome, for those who cannot travel, Chrystel Chotar Vasseur operates within a thirty-minute drive.

Chrystel sees kinesiology as a valuable aid in everyday life: » It evacuates childhood trauma, the stress that is imprinted on the body, we identify, we become aware, we understand, and we free ourselves.”

Information and appointments:, or on 06 16 20 99 25.

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