The FSCI is concerned about the atmosphere in Swiss universities

The FSCI is concerned about the atmosphere in Swiss universities
The FSCI is concerned about the atmosphere in Swiss universities

The pro-Palestinian demonstrations which continue in Swiss universities worry the Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (FSCI). She observes with concern that the atmosphere in the establishments concerned seems to be worsening.

‘Universities are democratic institutions in which open debates must be cultivated,’ declared the FSCI on Wednesday contacted by the Keystone-ATS agency.

‘The strong voices of the protesters, however, bear radicalized ideological traits,’ writes FSCI general secretary Jonathan Kreutner. They give the impression that all students share their positions.

Anti-Semitic excesses that clearly cross the line, such as the slogan ‘From the River to the Sea’, are not tolerable and do not coincide with the values ​​of a university.

The EPFL, the EPFZ and the University of Geneva were the subject of occupations on Tuesday. Protests continue on Wednesday at the universities of Lausanne and Geneva.



