Meeting young Francophones across Canada | UPDATE

Meeting young Francophones across Canada | UPDATE
Meeting young Francophones across Canada | UPDATE

First stop:
New Brunswick

The MAJ team hit the road to visit the 13 provinces and territories of Canada. We met 13 young people there who opened a door to their lives, their culture and their little piece of country. We begin the adventure in New Brunswick, where the multi-talented Gabriel-Vincent shares with us his love for Acadian culture and the must-sees in his province.

Newfoundland and Labrador with Grace

A resident of Happy Valley-Goose Bay in Labrador, young canoeist Grace will help you discover the magnificent landscapes and famous icebergs of her province.

Prince Edward Island with Jérémie

Originally from Rustico in Prince Edward Island, Jérémie Buote is a proud Acadian and loves talking about the most beautiful places in his province, especially the beaches!

Quebec with Sofia-Lou

Passionate about music and proud Quebecer, Sofia-Lou Villeneuve loves all the attractions of her province, from Château Frontenac to whales.

Nunavut with Raymonde

Cameroonian Raymonde Lonla has fallen in love with the landscapes and values ​​of her host territory since she moved to Iqaluit 5 years ago.

Manitoba with Madeleina

Originally from Winnipeg and passionate about the history of Saint-Boniface, Madeleina Daigneault highlights the beauty of the Prairies and the animals that live there.

Ontario with Marème

Marème has lived in Toronto since the age of 3 and has a great attachment to her multicultural city and the wonders of her province, such as Niagara Falls.

Saskatchewan with Louis

Louis Prince is a proud Fransaskois who loves wide open spaces, historic places, but especially the giant monuments that characterize his province.

The Northwest Territories with Apollo

Apollo Jenna is 17 years old and loves roller skating around her hometown of Yellowknife. Apollo shares with us his favorites from his territory.

British Columbia with Malala

Malala Rabesoa is a young soccer player in Vancouver who loves the natural beauty and spirit of social justice of her adopted province.

Alberta with Gabriel

Gabriel is a fan of music, cycling, French and the Rockies. He shares with us his love for his province, which he considers to be the most beautiful in Canada.

Nova Scotia with Juliette

Juliette is passionate about theater and beautiful landscapes. From Peggys Cove to Halifax, she shows you her favorite places in Nova Scotia.

The Yukon with Louve and Lori

Twins Louve and Lori have been passionate about dog sledding since they were little and know the Yukon like the back of their hand.

We would like to thank the Fédération de la jeunesse canadienne-française (New window) (FJCF) for putting us in contact with many of the wonderful young French speakers who participated in The MAJ trip.



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NEXT Nuit Blanche 2024: the program of events in Val d’Oise (95)