Pro-Palestinian students will spend the night at UniMail

Pro-Palestinian students will spend the night at UniMail
Pro-Palestinian students will spend the night at UniMail

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May 7, 2024 – 10:31 p.m.

(Keystone-ATS) The University of Geneva (UNIGE) does not intend to dislodge by force the more than a hundred pro-Palestinian students who have occupied the UniMail hall since Tuesday noon. However, she regrets the occupation of the building after its closing at 10 p.m.

The demonstrators thus place themselves “in an unlawful situation”, underlines the university which says it shares the students’ emotion in the face of the “human dramas” taking place in Gaza. The alma mater, however, indicates that it “will take all necessary emergency measures to guarantee the safety of those present”.

The movement, initiated by the Palestine-University of Geneva Student Coordination, hopes to be able to dialogue with the rectorate. The latter is ready to invite representatives of mobilized students to discuss with them questions such as the role of universities in the face of armed conflicts.

The terms of this participation can be discussed from Wednesday with a member of the rectorate, writes UNIGE in its press release. “All questions, including that of research agreements and their future, can be asked there,” she continues.

The pro-Palestinian movement is demanding in particular a complete list of UNIGE’s collaborations with Israeli academic institutions, the suspension of all collaboration of the alma mater with Israeli universities and research institutes and an active policy of welcoming students. Palestinian students and researchers.

Many Palestinian flags were displayed on all floors of the UniMail building, as well as banners with the messages: “Free Palestine, stop genocide” and “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. This last message, which de facto denies the existence of the State of Israel, poses a problem for the UNIGE rectorate.




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