Freedom for Iran organizes a demonstration in support of Iranian rapper Toomaj Salehi, in Caen

Freedom for Iran is organizing a demonstration in support of Toomaj Salehi, Saturday May 4, 2024, Place Pierre-Bouchard, in Caen (Calvados). The collective calls for the release of the Iranian rapper sentenced to death for his support for the 2022 protest movement in the country.

During this demonstration against the Iranian regime, in Lyon (Rhône), in January 2023, participants showed, among others, their support for Toomaj Salehi. | JEAN-PHILIPPE KSIAZEK ARCHIVES, AFP

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  • During this demonstration against the Iranian regime, in Lyon (Rhône), in January 2023, participants showed, among others, their support for Toomaj Salehi. | JEAN-PHILIPPE KSIAZEK ARCHIVES, AFP

The Freedom for Iran collective is calling for a demonstration in support of Iranian rapper Toomaj Salehi, Saturday May 4, 2024, at 4 p.m., Place Pierre-Bouchard, in Caen (Calvados).

The artist has become one of the spokespersons for youth since the death of Mahsa Amini. On September 16, 2022, the death of the young Kurd, while she was detained by the moral police for having violated the dress code imposed on women, triggered a large wave of protest in the country.

Sentenced to death

Arrested in 2022, then released in November 2023, Toomaj Salehi declared having suffered acts of torture in detention. Incarcerated again, he was sentenced to death for “corruption on Earth” by the revolutionary court of Isfahan, Wednesday April 24, 2024.

Read also : Iranian rapper sentenced to death for supporting protests

The Freedom for Iran collective calls for the release of the 33-year-old rapper.



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