Laval stadium. In Normandy against Caen, the Tango go to the front for the top 5

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Ligue 2. SM Caen – Stade Lavallois, this evening (8 p.m.). After returning to success against Bordeaux (1-0), the Tango will experience the last three days as direct elimination matches to hope to finish in the top 5. And it starts in Normandy, against the Stade Malherbe.

With the suspension of Diaw and the uncertainty of Baudry on the Stade Lavallois side, Jordan Adeoti could start as a starter in the tango central defense in Caen. | PHILIPPE RENAULT / WEST-FRANCE

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  • With the suspension of Diaw and the uncertainty of Baudry on the Stade Lavallois side, Jordan Adeoti could start as a starter in the tango central defense in Caen. | PHILIPPE RENAULT / WEST-FRANCE

Facing the Girondins, beaten 1-0, Stade Lavallois found its weapons. Those which made Nicolas Seube say in March: “Be careful in Laval. Their leitmotif is to be united, to always fight for each other.” At that time, the Mayennais had just scored a success in Grenoble (0-2) and occupied 3e step of the podium.

READ ALSO. Laval stadium. “My return may have been a trigger”: Yohan Tavares, the tango boss

Behind, the Laval machine had stalled, picking up only a small point in Angers (1-1) in six days, and falling to 8e place in the ranking. But the Stade Malherbe coach knows that the tango trap is still very real: “Laval put an end to its catastrophic series against Bordeaux, and is in the position of hunter. Like us….



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