The poetry collection “La Grace” – Espace l’Harmattan – , 75005

The poetry collection “La Grace” – Espace l’Harmattan – , 75005
The poetry collection “La Grace” – Espace l’Harmattan – PARIS, 75005

“La Grace” When the poets of the world weave verses in tune This year’s literary season promises to be rich in poetic and musical emotions, thanks to the complicity of Editions L’Harmattan who are highlighting the collection “La Grace », in a presentation-show meeting dedicated to the collection, born from the Spring of Poets, 2024 edition. None other than Jack Lang, eminent former Minister of Culture and current director of the Institute of the Arab World, also initiator of the “Spring of poets”, could not have written the preface to this remarkable anthology more aptly. An anthology that stands out for the diversity and quality of the works it contains, a selected set of poems from six international poets, who left their mark during the recital on March 17, 2024 at the Institut du Monde Arabe. But that’s not all. It also opens its pages to new creations; these texts are the reflection of rich and personal universes, a window open to the soul of their authors. Despite this period marked by conflicts and dark moments, these poets managed to forge exceptional, deep and meaningful bonds. Thus, “La Grace” echoes a resilient humanity which, through the magic of words, celebrates life! The stage will open with poetic readings; selected voices: Khouloud Al Zghayar, Nicole Barrière, Jean-François Blavin, Françoise Hachem, Léda Mansour, and Maria Zaki, will make their unpublished texts resonate. In a vibrant tribute, actress Delphine André and poet-philosopher Philippe Tancelin will bring to life verses taken from Osama Khalil’s latest collections. Having passed away just a year ago, the latter was honored as the “Scribe of L’Harmattan”, a fervent defender of letters who passionately linked authors from five continents. Its legacy… a web of indelible links woven at the heart of creative diversity and the multiple channels through which it is deployed. This evening could be described as a poetic anthology, as it will be enhanced by musical compositions specially designed for the occasion and placed under the direction of Maestro Georges Boukoff. As part of this true work of art, Vasken Solakian, eminent artist and master of the oud as well as the kamancha, the traditional Armenian violin, will join the ensemble. At her side, Naziha Meftah, nicknamed the “Diva with the golden voice”, will form a duo with pianist Yvan Navaï. The latter, recognized for his talent in making the melodic strings of the Iranian santour vibrate, will contribute to this evening which promises to be an exceptional concert, celebrating the union of rare talents in a unique setting. It is with the joy of the reunion of this literary season that we have the pleasure of inviting you to an exceptional evening: a presentation-show dedicated to the poetic collection “La Grace”. During this evening, poets, true daydreamers and bearers of universal messages, will take us across the boundaries of the ordinary in an experience that resonates with the soul of our humanity in an invitation to grasp the grace that surrounds us. The evening will end with a signing session, a meeting and discussion with the authors of the poetic anthology of the year, followed by a cocktail with flavors from around the world. An appointment not to be forgotten in your diaries. Not to be missed! F.Guemiah. POETS KHOULOUD AL ZGHAYAR Khouloud Al Zghayare, sociologist and poet, holds a doctorate in sociology from the Sorbonne. Committed to promoting culture, she is part of the editorial board of the “Rowaq Maysaloon” magazine. His work testifies to his literary talent through three poetic anthologies published in Damascus, Beirut and , hosted by Signum editions, benefiting from a translation of the original Arabic text into French. A fourth compilation of his poems is awaiting publication by Éditions Almutawassit in Milan. NICOLE BARRIÈRE Director of the “Accent tonique” collection at L’Harmattan editions, this woman of letters, both poet, essayist and translator, is distinguished by her commitment to women’s rights. A fierce defender of the French-speaking world, she is also the standard-bearer of endangered languages ​​and cultures. Her dynamism leads her to orchestrate and take part in a multitude of public readings, whether within associations or during international events, traveling to countries such as Italy, Mexico and Senegal. , Algeria, Morocco, Argentina, Kosovo, Albania, Bulgaria and Iceland. JEAN-FRANCOIS BLAVIN Jean-François Blavin is a poet, storyteller, short story writer. He is a member of the Société des Gens de Lettres and the Société des Poètes Français, he is a member of the Committee of the Aliénor Poetry and Aesthetics Circle. He is a member of the French Pen Club, co-director of the literary association “les Ricochets Poétiques”. FRANCOISE HACHEM Holder of a master’s degree in dramatic arts, she chose the teaching profession by vocation: “It is an unparalleled joy to share this cultural wealth with young people,” she expresses. His collection of poetry “A coeur rimé”, published in 2019 by Harmattan in Paris, is the mirror of his soul, where the memories of his childhood, the unwavering love for his native Lebanon and the happiness of living in , thus uniting his roots with his current experience. In 2021, she collaborated on the development of a collective work, “Zahlé, Le Liban au coeur” published under the aegis of Éditions Erick Bonnier. LEDA MANSOUR Léda Mansour, through poetry, brings to life reflections imbued with sincerity and depth. His pen questions the mirages of reality, embraces audacity and does not hesitate to cross the boundaries of risk. A doctor in literature, she devoted her thesis to the analysis of the “Cairo Trilogy” by Naguib Mahfouz. In 2024, she offered the literary world her work “Free Forms of Life”, published by Le Lys Bleu Éditions. From Lebanon, she settled in France and has been deploying her talent since the dawn of 2002. MARIA ZAKI Born in El Jadida, this Moroccan poet and writer expresses herself with virtuosity in the French language. His literary discovery is due to the eminent poet Abdelkbir Khatibi who, in 1992, recognized his talent. In her list of achievements, she counts around twenty diverse works, covering poetry, short stories, novels as well as theater. Many of these writings have crossed linguistic boundaries, translated into Arabic, Italian and English. The themes that are close to her heart and that she explores with a sharp pen include the condition of women in the Arab world, the world of silence, the spiritual quest, the notion of otherness and the concept of love. READING DELPHINE ANDRE Marie Sapse, at the Théâtre Michel during the fall of 2022. Her artistic journey in 2023 saw her embrace a plurality of roles within the Molière festival. She previously shone on stage during the summer of 2022 in “L’abbaye du Phénix” by Émile Azzi. She will take on the character of “Blanche” in a performance dedicated to Tennessee Williams, scheduled for March and April 2024 at L’Auguste Théâtre. Her return as Queen Iseult is scheduled for June 2024, still at the Théâtre Michel. PHILIPPE TANCELIN State doctor in philosophy-aesthetics, professor emeritus of the universities of Paris, Knight of Arts and Letters, director of the collection “Poets of the Five Continents” and “Témoignages Poétiques”, Philippe Tancelin cultivates a poetic approach to history and the witness-event relationship. Since the 1970s, his writing has resonated with his encounters on the resistance fronts against exclusion, the exploitation of the deprived, and support for oppressed peoples. For him, poetry must participate in the construction of a new epistemology. He is interested in the philosophical and poetic approach to discourse when the question of reality arises. MUSIC GEORGES BOUKOFF Musician, composer, pianist and clarinetist, this artist also wears the hats of director, playwright and novelist. His literary talent is expressed in “Au Bal des pendus”, a work published by L’Harmattan in 2022, which immerses us in the tumultuous epic of the 20th century through the prism of protagonists marked by the conflicts and revolutions of their time . Holder of a diploma from the National Higher Conservatory of Dramatic Art, he distinguished himself as director of the Festival of Human Rights and World Cultures in L’Haÿ-les-Roses. VASKEN SOLAKIAN Composer, singer, actor, storyteller, poet, virtuoso of the oud, the oriental lute and the Armenian violin is a multifaceted international artist. Undisputed master of the oud, the oriental lute and the kamancha, a traditional Armenian violin, he has enriched with his presence numerous artistic scenes with artists such as Jacques Dutronc, Sapho and Georges Boukoff… His albums, “De Barbès à Bruxelles” and ” Armenian Gypsy”, brilliantly merge current music and traditional oriental sounds. These albums have acquired deserved recognition, to the point of being integrated into the prestigious repertoire of the world music memory library. NAZIHA MEFTAH Naziha Meftah, an exceptional vocal artist, often referred to by the nicknames of the “Diva with the Golden Voice” or the “Moroccan Fairouz”, was born in Chefchaouen, Morocco. Endowed with a unique voice, she skillfully weaves the sounds of Arab-Andalusian with those of Melhoun, while integrating other nuances of classical oriental genres, thus forging an artistic identity of her own. His professional career is punctuated by multiple albums and his presence is noted at various festivals, both in France and internationally. In 1990, she established herself on the musical scene by being named “the first Arab voice of Paris”, a mark of recognition which underlines her talent and her contribution to music. YVAN NAVAÏ Distinguished by a “First Prize in Piano” awarded unanimously and accompanied by praise from the jury when obtaining his Diploma of Musical Studies, Yvan Navaï also distinguished himself by a “Prize of Excellence” within the prestigious Léopold Bellan international piano competition. His talent earned him recognition at the “Les Clefs d’Or” international piano competition, where he was named winner of excellence. His career has led him to perform on various renowned stages. A multifaceted artist, he excels in santour interpretation, distinguishes himself in playing the chromatic accordion and trombone, and deploys his art in composition on the piano. His literary and musical work is reflected in the publication of a book-CD entitled “La Mer des sons”, published by Editions Carnets-Livres. PRESENTATION and COORDINATION FATIMA GUEMIAH Driven by an unwavering communicative vocation, she has constantly traced paths conducive to humanist exchange, between the northern and southern shores of the Mediterranean. Requested by various festivals and exhibitions, whether in the French capital or internationally, she exhibits her works, while orchestrating or presiding over cultural events highlighting the talent of authors, poets, painters and artists. photographers. Her initiatives have been praised by renowned entities, notably at L’Espace L’Harmattan, where she serves as cultural action manager, UNESCO, INALCO, where her commitment and relevant recommendations have favored the creation of intercultural bridges. In 2024, she is director of the literary collection Le Scribe L’Harmattan.

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