Quebec Federation of Municipalities – The FQM unveils My green municipality: concrete solutions for a sustainable future

Quebec Federation of Municipalities – The FQM unveils My green municipality: concrete solutions for a sustainable future
Quebec Federation of Municipalities – The FQM unveils My green municipality: concrete solutions for a sustainable future

The Quebec Federation of Municipalities (FQM) is proud to unveil My green municipalityan innovative initiative intended to support municipalities in their energy transition and their adaptation to climate change. This program offers tools and solutions to fight climate change and also reduce the carbon footprint of Quebec municipalities, thus promoting a more sustainable future.

A complete range of concrete solutions for municipalities

The initiative offers a range of services adapted to the specific needs of Quebec municipalities, including the development of climate plans, support for renewable energy projects, sustainable water management, and the fight against coastal erosion. and riverside as well as the modernization of urban lighting.

ÉcoÉnergie 360: at the heart of municipal decarbonization

Developed in collaboration with SOFIAC, this flagship program offers an integrated approach for the implementation of decarbonization and energy efficiency projects. It includes financing, management of calls for tenders from energy efficient service companies (ESE), signing of energy efficient performance contracts (EPC) and works management.

EcoEnergy 360 represents an unprecedented opportunity for municipalities to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, while renovating and improving the energy performance of their infrastructure – without upfront capital outlay or effect on total net debt in the long term . The work is entirely financed by the energy savings generated, thus guaranteeing a viable and sustainable model.

Benefits of the EcoEnergy 360 program

  • Turnkey expertise: complete management of decarbonization projects;
  • External financing: no impact on total net long-term debt;
  • Municipal property: the assets remain property of the municipalities from the start of the work;
  • Financial aid available: access to subsidies to maximize profits;
  • Reimbursement based on energy savings: the savings made cover the cost of the work;
  • Reduction of GHGs: a direct impact on Quebec’s energy transition.


“My green municipality is based on an innovative global approach, offering solutions in decarbonization, energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable resource management. Through programs like EcoEnergy 360we are giving Quebec municipalities the means to implement concrete measures to address the climate emergency, without compromising their financial situation.”

Jacques Demers, president of the FQM, mayor of Sainte-Catherine-de-Hatley and prefect of the MRC of Memphrémagog

“We are very proud to enable Quebec municipalities to achieve their decarbonization objectives alongside the FQM. The SOFIAC model, an innovative solution co-managed by Econoler and Fondaction Asset Management, has proven itself in Quebec, Canada and . This initiative is in line with the innovations that we wish to develop and deploy to accelerate the profound and positive transformation of the economy. »

Marc-André Binette, vice-president and general manager of Fondaction Asset management, and Pierre Langlois, president of Econoler, also co-managers of SOFIAC

“Energy efficiency saves Canadians money. As Canadians face challenges related to affordability and climate change, we are delivering on our commitments under the Canadian Green Building Strategy by supporting renovation projects led by organizations like the Quebec Federation of Municipalities. “By implementing this strategy, we will save Canadians money, create jobs and seize the opportunities offered by a modern, clean economy.” The honorable Jonathan WilkinsonMinister of Energy and Natural Resources of Canada

A unique partnership to accelerate the energy transition

The FQM, recognized by the Government of Canada as one of only two major energy renovation accelerators in Quebec, affirms its pioneering role in innovation and support for municipalities. Thanks to its partners, My green municipality has established itself as an essential reference for propelling regions towards a sustainable energy future.

For more information, visit



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