Grand slam for riders from Millassole de Castres at the Tarn show jumping championships

Grand slam for riders from Millassole de Castres at the Tarn show jumping championships
Grand slam for riders from Millassole de Castres at the Tarn show jumping championships

On Sunday, part of the competition team from the Millassole stables in Castres was entered in the Tarn show jumping competition championships (CSO) in Albi.

Eight riders coached by Rémi Jodet therefore made the trip, the last stage before the regional championships which will be run in Rodez from May 8 to 12. There were nearly 230 participants on the day. Each rider could only compete in one championship out of the 2 events in which they participated. The choices were the right ones since the Millassole riders returned with 4 Tarn champion titles!

In club 4, Juliette Viala (Usty) won the event and the championship. In club 3, Pia De Lestrade (Tarpéia) won the championship event. Followed in 3rd by Albane Gau (who did not run the championship in this event) and Chloé Laur (Cybèle) 5th (4th in the championship).

A Source of pride for the entire management team

Also without faults in this event: Juliette and Lola Viala In club 2, out of 57 starters, the 4 riders entered the top 10! Albane Gau (Etoile) finished 2nd in the event but won the championship. Pia DL finished 3rd, Chloé Lapeyre 6th and Chloé Laur 7th. In Elite Club, Jordan Tapprest (Jérémy) wins the event and the championship!

These results are a Source of great pride for the entire management team and confirm the quality of training of the club’s riders, since the riders are winning from the first levels of competition (club 4) to the highest level of the category (elite club).



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