MAP. Weather: orange vigilance maintained in one department, 45 others are in yellow this Friday

MAP. Weather: orange vigilance maintained in one department, 45 others are in yellow this Friday
MAP. Weather: orange vigilance maintained in one department, 45 others are in yellow this Friday

Still capricious weather in this Friday September 27, 2024, where 46 departments are on alert, including one in orange.

The weather is still no favors to France on this first Friday of autumn: 46 departments are on orange or yellow alert, this September 27, 2024.

Seine-et- in orange

In the contingent, a territory is therefore in orange. This is Seine-et-Marneplaced at this alert level due to risk of flooding. The department must also monitor the stormsbut only as part of yellow vigilance. Météo France is reporting a significant flood on the Grand Morin this Friday.

46 departments must deal with vigilance this Friday, September 27, 2024.
Weather France – Screenshot

45 in yellow

For the rest, it is no less than 45 territories that are mentioned by the weather report. They are essentially located in a large western part of the country: from the Pyrénées-Atlantiques to the English Channel via Cantal, the region and also isolated territories such as Pas-de-, the North, the Ardennes, the Marne, Meuse and Isère.

Four reasons to watch out for this Friday September 27: floods, wind, rain and storms. The second and fourth are the most widespread in the impacted sectors.

Occitania rather spared

The region only has two of its 13 departments affected by the alerts. This is the Gers (wind and storms) and Hautes-Pyrénées (wind). For the moment, the 11 other territories are exempt from all meteorological vigilance.



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