The Hauts de connected campus is moving to Valréas

Created in Grillon in 2021, the Hauts de Provence connected campus was moved to Valréas by the Enclave des papes Pays de Grignan community of communes. The latter has been directly managing it since June. It hopes to breathe new life into it to reach the target of 25 students.

The inauguration of the new premises took place last Wednesday, in the presence of elected officials from the area and many personalities who spoke in turn before the cutting of the traditional tricolour ribbon.

Connected campuses are state-approved study locations where you can follow distance learning courses offered by universities or training centers close to home. They are aimed at students but also at people returning to school at different stages of their lives.

A 75 m² open space with 25 workstations

It is an opportunity for the territories to train and retain talent“, Mireille Brangé stressed during her speech, specifying moreover that the 25 million euros of the State within the framework of this system were not invested at a loss. These innovative places, numbering 89 in (11 in Paca including 2 in ) are equipped with connected classrooms where students can work from their personal computer or those made available to them free of charge. These students follow an individualized educational program and benefit from individual and collective tutoring in a caring dynamic.



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