Mathilde Tardy, winner of the Midi-Pyrénées Photogenic Prize – Le Petit Journal

Mathilde Tardy, winner of the Midi-Pyrénées Photogenic Prize – Le Petit Journal
Mathilde Tardy, winner of the Midi-Pyrénées Photogenic Prize – Le Petit Journal

A well-deserved reward
Credits: Sébastien Batteux

Condomoise Mathilde Tardy has just participated in the Miss Midi-Pyrénées competition, ranked 1st runner-up in the Gers, she was qualified with Miss Gers 2024, Anaïs Moreno-Fonti. If the two Gersoises did not win the regional qualifying title for Miss , they have had a nice run. Mathilde has, like Miss Gers, been invited to many events in the department and recently, we were able to see her at the elegance parade at the Le Continental hotel. We contacted her after the Miss Midi-Pyrénées competition:
Your impressions?“The week was really incredible, I lived a dream. I got this distinction and I’m happy about it.”
Is this just a postponement?“I’ll try again next year, I like the atmosphere and it’s a great event. I still came away with the photogenic prize, I’m super happy” We understand the joy of the Condomoise who, in addition, and it must be emphasized, came late to this kind of event without ever having thought about it. Two distinctions to her credit, 1st runner-up of Miss Gers 2024 and photogenic prize Midi-Pyrénées, we wish her many more beautiful parades and to highlight elegance as she knows how to do so well.

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