Foods not to give to your child under 4 years old to limit the risk of choking
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Foods not to give to your child under 4 years old to limit the risk of choking

Is your child eating a varied diet and sometimes scares you by swallowing some foods the wrong way? To make mealtimes as safe as possible, here are some rules to follow that will limit the risk of choking or choking.

Your child’s first months (and years) are those of learning: walking, talking, but also solid food. After having fed exclusively on breast milk at the very beginning of his life, he will gradually discover the pleasure of biting into various foods and textures with his little teeth. But mealtimes can be a source of stress for parents, who fear that their toddler will swallow something inappropriate and choke. To prevent these risks, here are the foods that should be kept out of reach during the first years.

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Be very careful with children under 4 years old

Before the age of 4, some foods should clearly be avoided because they are too risky for children. The Canadian website Pediatric Nutritionists, written by health professionals, lists hard candies, popcorn, ice cubes and marshmallows. Nuts, peanuts and large seeds should not be offered whole to children under 4 years old. Chickpeas should be crushed, cherry tomatoes and grapes cut in 2 or 4 lengthwise. Also be careful with sausages, especially the small ones offered as appetizers, which should also be cut lengthwise and redivided to prevent them from getting stuck in the…


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