After ten years, the father of “little Gregory” comes out of silence: a comic strip to give his version of the story
DayFR Euro

After ten years, the father of “little Gregory” comes out of silence: a comic strip to give his version of the story

According to The Voice of the Northa kidnapping committed by Bernard Laroche, the brother-in-law of Muriel Bolle, one of the key figures in the case, would be mentioned. Bernard Laroche would have subsequently handed the young boy over to the couple Jacob, great-uncle and great-aunt of “little Gregory”. Unfortunately, the investigation is not progressing any further.

Jean-Marie Villemin, the father of the child who disappeared in 1984, has always been discreet in the media. But recently, the Frenchman confided in two authors and illustrators: Pat Perna and Christophe Gaultier. Following their interview, a comic strip was created. It will be released on October 3 by Arènes editions.

While the move may raise eyebrows, for the couple’s lawyer it is an important project.There are some very serious comics that have told the story of trials, I’m thinking in particular of the trial of Yvan Colonna in 2007. It’s a new way to express yourself. […] Jean-Marie is far from being a scatterbrain. He told me that I would receive a copy in advance, I know that it is about the trial at the beginning and that there is then a flashback on the very painful events that Christine and Jean-Marie lived through”, he told our colleagues at France 3.


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