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baritone Alejandro Meerapfel dies in the middle of a concert

Argentinian baritone Alejandro Meerapfel, 54, died of a heart attack on Friday evening while he was performing on stage at the Ambronay baroque festival (Ain), where the show was interrupted and the audience evacuated, he said. -we learned from the firefighters, confirming information from the Progress.

“A 54-year-old man, a member of the troupe on stage, died following illness during a television performance,” the Ain Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (Sdis) said on Saturday.

A renowned baritone

Alejandro Meerapfel has already performed numerous times in the Ambronay Abbey Church. “His sudden disappearance leaves us in shock,” reacted the management of the Ambronay Cultural Meeting Center in a press release.

“A renowned baritone, Alejandro was a very long-time companion of the Argentine conductor Leonardo García Alarcón and the soprano Mariana Flores,” writes the festival on its Facebook page. “He had performed many times in the Ambronay Abbey Church and his sudden disappearance leaves us in shock. Our thoughts are with his family, his loved ones, the artists of the Cappella Mediterranea and the Namur chamber choir, and all those who, like us, feel devastated by the disappearance of a man of inestimable kindness and kindness. an artist whose exceptional modesty and talent will remain in our hearts. »

The Cappella Mediterranea ensemble and the Namur chamber choir were on stage in Ambronay Abbey under the direction of Argentine conductor Leonardo García Alarcón, when the artist felt unwell. The show was broadcast by France Télévisions on Culturebox.

Emergency services intervened and “the public was quickly evacuated and a request for possible psychological support for the troops was also sent to center 15”, specifies the Sdis.

“Last night he was singing the role of “Dio Padre” in the oratorio of The Gift of Eternal Life from Draghi to Ambronay, our home,” reacts chef Leonardo García Alarcón. “He told me the same day that he couldn’t thank life enough for being able to sing such beautiful music. (…) Alejandro was an angel on earth, an angel loved by all, not only by his limitless kindness, but by a form of tenderness that embraced each person who crossed his path. »

He was married and the father of two children.

The Ambronay festival, which is one of the major European baroque events each year, takes place from September 15 to October 8.


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