DayFR Euro

This is the average amount of pocket money received by teenagers, a figure which has fallen for the “first time in four years”

In 2024, young people aged 10 to 18 will receive an average of 29 euros per month, two euros less than in 2023.

Times are tough for purchasing power, even for children. For the first time in four years, the average amount of pocket money received by French teenagers is down. According to Pixpay’s Teenage Lab barometer, relayed by BFM, young people will receive an average of 29 euros per month in 2024, two euros less than in 2023. A decrease that reflects a difficult economic context marked by inflation and occurs for the first time since the Covid crisis.

Also discover: Gender inequality: girls receive less pocket money than boys, study finds

Disparities by age and region

Unsurprisingly, the amounts vary according to age: 10-12 year olds receive an average of 24 euros per month, while 16-18 year olds receive 40 euros. The barometer also reveals regional disparities. Corsican teenagers are the best off with 39 euros per month, while Bretons make do with 25 euros. A difference that can be explained by differences in the cost of living. However, of course, not all children receive pocket money. In 2024, 56% of girls and boys aged 10 to 18 received some. A relatively stable proportion since they were 57% the previous year. The study also shows that pocket money can be given in the form of rewards, particularly for good grades…


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