Two passionate artists transform the Ehpad Canerie into a gallery, sharing courage and creativity despite the trials.
At the start of the year, the culture again entered the Ehpad Canerie d’Argelès-Gazost, this time in the lines of brushes by Marc Fourcade and Michèle Vogel, two artists from the Association of Pyrenees of Pyrenees of Saint-Pé-de-Bigorre.
Painter artist for a very long time, with more than 200 tables to his credit, Marc Fourcade is resident at the EHPAD Les Balcons du Hautacam on the Canerie site since last November, following two strokes which paralyzed him all the right side. Since this accident, he began to paint but with his left hand, which requires him a lot of effort and concentration. “I have always liked to paint,” explains Marc Fourcade, who remembers with joy at his fifth drawing teacher, Mr. Mengelatte, who gave him the taste for drawing and painting “. After a career like chef in catering, he regained his first love for brushes, oil painting, acrylic or watercolor.
With a huge sensitivity and a sharp sense of detail, Marc, who signs his Marcof paintings, asserts himself in a mainly figurative style, with vibrant colors, using photos as a model, or settling directly in nature for y draw your inspiration: mountain landscape, chapel, still life, birds, ocean …
-And this passion also put him on the way to Michèle Vogel, his partner who shares with him this passion for painting. Previously nurse in psychiatry in hospitals in the south-east of France, she has done all a work of painting with the artistic animation teams of these establishments, which perhaps explains her more expressionist style, at the limit of ‘abstraction.
Last Tuesday, after a painting workshop led by Nouche, the dynamic animator of the EHPAD, a workshop to which residents were advised with application and concentration while exchanging with this couple of complementary artists in their art but also in life, had Place the opening of this exhibition in the presence of director Ms. Delétoile and residents. A cheerful and colorful exhibition that now adorns the walls of the Canerie residence for a month. And above all a fine example for all residents of courage, motivation and resilience, which encourages to continue its way and to live its passions fully despite the accidents of course.
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