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Protrot, the new application dedicated to trotting professionals

“Protrot is the application that aims to make life easier for coaches”this is what Maxime Meyer, its creator, says. It’s been more than a year since Robert de Wulf’s grandson began developing an application that aims to “simplify the daily management of racing stables, optimize planning, improve team coordination and ensure complete monitoring of horses in real time.” The primary objective being to evolve the traditional table, present in the stables, on which is written all the news about horses, care, work, but also the missions of the employees. To do this, all stable staff will have access to the connected platform and will be able to complete the application and tasks carried out throughout the day in real time. Each horse will also have its own page, it can be modified and completed with important information concerning it. Other racing professionals such as veterinarians, farriers, and many others will also be able to interact.

Overview of application windows

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Launch planned for March 2025

At the beginning of March, the amateur driver will launch the first test phase of Protrot. For a month and a half, Grégoire Houel’s team will be the first to experiment with the application. “Then I would like to do another trial period of a month and a half, but this time with five teams, then if all goes well, Protrot should be on the market by the beginning of June.” The application being mainly based on the experiences of its creator, its first version will only concern trotters, however, by September 2025, a new version dedicated to galloping stables should also see the light of day. On January 24, Maxime Meyer will be in for the Expo-Etalon to present Protrot.

Lighten the mental load of professionals

Although the idea of ​​launching this application only dates back to a year ago, we can say that it was the many years spent working with different horse racing circles that pushed Maxime Meyer to innovate in this area. Before obtaining his amateur driver’s license in 2020 and getting closer to the world of racing again, he had frequented the competition grounds for a long time. “When I arrived at the trotter stables, I quickly found the tables, on which every day the trainers write down everything: work, care, food. We had a fairly similar organization in the competition stables.” For Maxime, the objective is therefore to try to lighten the mental load on both bosses and their employees. “The app will also offer tracking. We all know that trainers have elephant memories and can remember the work of all their horses for a long time, but here, the goal is to allow them to have traces of everything that happens , without having the fear of missing out on something.”


From March, the stable boards could be connected using Protrot.

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“Monitor the work and care of each equine remotely and in real time”

Protrot could particularly prove useful for coaches with a workforce divided over several sites. “This will allow them to monitor the work and care of each equine remotely and in real time.” Secondly, other racing stakeholders, such as owners, could also have access to the application. “At the beginning I want to give priority to the organization. Afterwards, of course, the objective will be to create a space for the owners, so that they can follow the daily life of their horses, but for the moment that is not yet what I am focusing on.” For the thirty-year-old who describes himself as “project creator”the launch of this platform represents a significant investment, which, in the long term, could allow him to make a living from his two passions. After having worked for twelve years in the technical direction of the Société d’Encouragement à l’elevage du Trotteur Français, Maxime Meyer was also associated in a development agency.


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