Nespresso is starting the year with an original advertising campaign featuring its global ambassador, George Clooney. This television spot, which is inspired by a detective story, sees Clooney play the role of “Detective George” alongside an international cast, including Eva Longoria, Camille Cottin and Kim Go Eun.
The short film features a plot set aboard a fictional luxury train, where an heiress, played by Camille Cottin, reports the disappearance of her Nespresso coffee capsules. Investigators must solve this unexpected theft, which concerns neither jewelry nor valuable objects, but the precious Nespresso coffee capsules.
During his investigation, Detective George questions members of the crew, including the Chief, played by Eva Longoria, and the Deputy Chief, played by Kim Go Eun, who appear to be hiding secrets. The advertisement, punctuated with humorous and charming twists, encourages the public to guess the identity of the culprit.
George Clooney expressed his enthusiasm during filming, emphasizing the pleasure of working with a talented cast and the energy brought by his partners: “Working with Nespresso is always a pleasure, and this campaign was particularly fun thanks to the exceptional script and casting. This was my first collaboration with my long-time friend Eva, and she formed a perfect culinary duo with Kim to try and outwit me. They brought incredible energy to the set. Finding Camille was also a real pleasure, she perfectly embodies the sophistication necessary for her role.”
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